Please ignore any text message reminders you may have received telling you to go to Wythenshawe Hospital. This is an error. Your appointment is at the clinic named in your invitation letter. Please call the office on 0161 291 4444 if in doubt

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question please check the FAQs below. Click on the FAQ heading to view the whole text

If you still can't find the answer you're looking for then please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to try and help.

Any x-ray involves radiation but mammograms only require a very low dose. It is about the same as the dose a person receives by flying from London to Australia and back. The risk that such a low dose could cause cancer is far outweighed by the benefits of early detection of breast cancer.
Offers support and information to women and their relatives at the clinic. Also arranges admission for surgery, if necessary.
Confirms your details (as per your appointment letter) and collates your paperwork ready for the radiographer.
Yes, we screen in a number of other local places. (Find out more about our screening locations gives alternative locations for your screening appointment).

Please contact the screening unit using the change your appointment form and we will arrange a new appointment for you.

If you prefer, you can telephone the office on 0161 291 4444, and we will be happy to make you another appointment.

If none of these locations are convenient for your place of work, please contact us
Yes, but there is very limited space and only the client can go into the X-ray room.
Yes, please complete the online appointment request form to request a change to the date, time or location of your screening appointment.
Undertakes clinical examination (e.g. physical examination) of the breast and liaises closely with pathologists and surgeons regarding diagnosis.
Undertake ultrasound, Fine Needle Aspirations and view x-rays to decide what other tests may be needed. They also liaise closely with pathologists and surgeons regarding diagnosis.
Some women find mammography uncomfortable and some find it painful, as the breasts have to be held firmly in position and pressed to take a good x-ray. If you do experience pain it usually only lasts as long as the mammogram, although it may continue for some time in a small number of women.
No. Breast screening aims to find breast cancer at an early stage when it may be too small for you or your doctor to feel. Finding breast cancer early greatly increases your chances of successful treatment.
A mammogram takes a few minutes, however your whole visit to the screening unit will take about half an hour.
Once every three years your GP practice will be contacted and all women between the ages of 50 and 70 will be routinely invited. Not every woman will receive an appointment as soon as she is 50. You will receive your first appointment before your 53rd birthday.
Yes. The risk of getting breast cancer increases as women get older and we encourage women 71 and over to continue with three yearly screening. All women aged 71 and over, will need to contact us to arrange an appointment.
Please contact us to discuss your screening appointment, as we would like to allocate more time for your appointment. Your appointment will most likely be made at one of our static units (Oldham Integrated Care Centre or Withington Community Hospital) where we have larger rooms and disabled access.
Currently the breast screening programme does not screen women under the age of 50.

If you have a family history of breast cancer please see your GP who may refer you to a family history clinic at your local breast unit. The family history clinic will assess your need for extra mammographic screening.
We respect your decision not to be screened, although we would encourage all women to attend for breast screening when invited. However if you choose not to take up your invitation please contact the screening office so your appointment is not wasted.

If you change your mind at any point in the future please contact us. We will be happy to make you another appointment.

You can contact the screening unit using the appointment request form to request a cancellation of your screening appointment.
If you have a breast lump or any other breast symptom you should see your GP, who may organise a referral to the breast service at your local hospital.
If you think you are in a high risk group, you should discuss this with your GP. Your GP can advise you further and may refer you to a family history clinic at your local Breast Unit.
Yes, it is safe for you to have a mammogram. It is helpful if you can tell the mammographer where your pacemaker is sited.
Your pacemaker may hide the small area of breast tissue behind the pacemaker, preventing it from being seen on the x-ray. The film readers will only be able to report on the breast tissue that they can see on your mammogram.
Please contact the screening unit using the contact us page to establish if it is advisable for you to attend for this screening appointment.
Breast implants appear as a solid white area on a mammogram. This may hide some of the breast tissue preventing it from being seen on the x-ray. The film readers will only be able to report on the breast tissue that they can see on your mammogram.

If you have implants please contact the office prior to your appointment using the contact us page.
If you have had a breast cancer in the past and you are currently under the care of your breast team (follow-up), your breast team will arrange a mammogram for you.

It is always best to stay with the mammograms that your surgeon sends you for. If you are unsure of which appointment is best, please telephone the unit on 0161 291 4444
Yes because you still have breast tissue, which should be screened. There is no evidence to suggest breast implants are damaged by mammograms.

If you have been invited to attend screening please contact us to discuss your screening appointment, as we would like to allocate a suitable time for your appointment.
If you have notified your practice of your new address you will be invited for screening when your practice is invited. If this is likely to be over three years since your last invitation you will be invited separately from your practice to ensure you are screened on time.

If you have moved house and fear you may have missed a screening appointment please contact us to discuss.
Please contact the screening unit using the appointment request form and we will arrange a new appointment for you.

If you prefer you can contact us, and we will be happy to make you another appointment.
A Pathologist is an expert in interpreting tissue samples e.g. any tests that involve taking a small sample of breast tissue will be sent to a pathologist for interpretation. Most tissue samples need to be processed in the laboratory before the results can be given
Carries out the mammography on X-ray machines. Radiographers may also assist radiologists, and perform breast biopsy

Please note that all our Radiographers are female.
Breast surgeons work in some of our assessment clinics carrying out tests and discussing results with women.
If anybody needs further treatment they will be referred to a Breast surgeon in one of the local hospitals (as preferred by the individual patient).
Removing fluid from a lump (or cyst) using a fine needle.
A Biopsy - a small area of breast tissue may be removed and examined under the microscope. This is carried out under local anaesthetic.
A mammogram is an x-ray examination of the breasts and is a method of finding breast cancer at a very early stage. A female mammographer will compress your breasts, one at a time between two special x-ray plates and take the x-rays. The compression only lasts a few seconds and does not cause any harm to the breasts. Compression is needed to keep the breast still and to get the clearest picture with the lowest amount of radiation possible.
An utltrasound is a scan which shows a picture of the tissues within the breast. It uses sound waves to create an image of the breast tissue.
Cytology – where a few cells may be removed from your breast with a very fine needle and examined under a microscope. This test is similar to having blood taken.
The examination of tissues under the microscope to assist diagnosis. For example, after a biopsy is performed, a pathologist will perform a "histological" evaluation, which means the tissue collected will be analysed for any abnormalities.
You will be asked to undress completely down to your waist so it is a good idea to wear separates instead of a dress.
You should continue to be breast aware learning what is normal for you and reporting any changes or concerns to your GP without delay. Do not wait until your next mammogram. Breast screening will pick up most but not all breast cancer.
See your GP without delay even if you have had a recent mammogram. Do not wait until your next mammogram.
Your results will be sent to your home address and this should be within 2 weeks. You will be advised of any expected delays at the time of your screening.
Your mammogram will be performed either at a mobile screening unit or static unit within a building, at one of our local screening sites.
A female Mammographer will always perform the x-ray.
From time to time screening locations can change due to availability. If the site you have been called to is not convenient then request a change of appointment using the appointment request form.
From time to time changes to the screening plan result in women receiving an appointment slightly later or earlier than the normal 3 year interval.
Manage your appointment

If you have been asked to book an appointment or would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

Manage your appointment

Where we screen

We screen at various convenient places across the region.

Where we screen


If you have a question please check our selection of FAQs.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)