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Health Professionals Resources

Welcome to the resources page for GPs and healthcare professionals supporting breast screening across Greater Manchester. Here you’ll find tools, guidance, and support to help improve breast screening attendance and save lives through early cancer detection.

Contacting Our Cancer Screening Improvement Leads
Contacting Our Cancer Screening Improvement Leads

The Greater Manchester Breast Screening Programme is part of the Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and is supported by Cancer Screening Improvement Leads. These specialists work closely with GP practices to improve breast screening uptake and provide tailored training and support for practice staff.

If you are considering initiatives to increase screening attendance at your practice, we encourage you to contact our Cancer Screening Improvement Leads. They can provide expert advice and resources to ensure your efforts are effective and impactful.

Contact our Cancer Screening Improvement Leads

Information about the breast screening pathway
Information about the breast screening pathway

Each year, around 60,000 women in Greater Manchester are invited for breast screening. Women aged 50 to 70 (up to their 71st birthday) are automatically invited once every three years. It is essential to ensure that patient contact details are accurate and up to date to avoid delays or missed opportunities for screening. Our mission is to provide a high-quality, efficient, and caring breast screening service for all eligible women.

GP practices will be contacted approximately six weeks before breast screening begins for eligible women at your practice. A pack will be sent containing information about the previous screening round at your practice and a request for updated details about any patients who may no longer be eligible for screening.

Resources for GPs

These resources are designed to support GP practices in promoting breast screening. Below, you will find a template letter to encourage collaboration between the breast screening programme and GP practices. The letter helps boost participation, promotes early detection, and ultimately saves lives. It is ready for download and customisation as needed.

Additionally, a proforma is provided to help practices identify women aged 50-71 who may not require screening, such as those who have had a bilateral mastectomy, and those listed on the Learning Disabilities Register. This ensures inappropriate invitations are avoided and enables the provision of tailored, accessible information to support women with learning disabilities, enhancing communication and care.

Download template letter to send to GPs
Download Proforma to send to GPs

Working Together to Raise Awareness
Working Together to Raise Awareness

The Greater Manchester Breast Screening Programme works closely with Answer Cancer, a regional initiative focused on improving cancer screening rates. Answer Cancer collaborates with individuals and organisations to raise awareness and increase engagement, saving lives across Greater Manchester.

Visit the Answer Cancer website

We also collaborate with the National Breast Imaging Academy (NBIA) to address workforce challenges in breast imaging. NBIA provides high-quality training programmes, a national centre of excellence, and an innovative online learning hub. Funded by NHS England, the programme is hosted by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust and supported by leading organisations such as the Royal College of Radiologists and Breast Cancer Now.

Visit the NBIA website