Please ignore any text message reminders you may have received telling you to go to Wythenshawe Hospital. This is an error. Your appointment is at the clinic named in your invitation letter. Please call the office on 0161 291 4444 if in doubt

Screening appointments

If you are between 50 and up to your 71st birthday, you will receive a letter once every three years, inviting you to have a breast screening mammogram. You do not have to contact us to, we will ensure that you receive your invitation at the appropriate time. From your 71st birthday we will not automatically invite you and you can request screening every 3 years by contacting your local breast screening unit. As the risk of breast cancer does not stop at 71, please consider the importance of continuing with your breast screening.

IMPORTANT: If you have any concerns about changes to your breasts, please speak with your GP as soon as possible. Please do not wait for an appointment with the screening service.

We have a range of different locations where we can offer you a breast screening mammogram. If, following your mammogram you are invited for an assessment appointment your appointment will be available only at the Nightingale Centre at Wythenshawe Hospital. Find out more about our screening locations.

When you receive your invitation letter it will give you an appointment for a specific screening location, appointment date and time. You can request a change using the appointment request form.

Manage your appointment

If you have been asked to book an appointment or would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

Manage your appointment

Where we screen

We screen at various convenient places across the region.

Where we screen


If you have a question please check our selection of FAQs.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)