Please ignore any text message reminders you may have received telling you to go to Wythenshawe Hospital. This is an error. Your appointment is at the clinic named in your invitation letter. Please call the office on 0161 291 4444 if in doubt

Further tests

Why have I been invited back?

You have been invited back for further tests because your mammograms showed a possible abnormality and further tests are needed. This additional appointment is part of routine screening and for most women invited back nothing of concern will be found.

Can I speak to someone for more information before I come?

If you would like more information about the assessment process you may find it helpful to speak to one of our breast screening nurses, who can discuss what will happen in the clinic appointment but will not be able to specifically discuss what has been found on your mammograms. Please feel free to contact us on 0161 291 4444 (9am - 6pm Monday – Friday)

Alternatively you can email us on :


How many women are invited back?

About 5 out of every 100 women who have screening will be invited for this additional assessment. 4 out of 5 of these women will be found to have a normal result.

What will happen at the clinic?

You may have some or all of the following tests:

Breast examination: The doctor / practitioner will talk to you about your mammograms, will ask you some questions about your general health and will then examine your breasts.

Mammograms: Most women will have further mammograms in order to show a particular part of the breast in greater detail.

Breast ultrasound: Ultrasound will be necessary for some women. An ultrasound scan uses sound waves to provide a picture of the breast tissue. It is harmless and pain free and does not involve any x-rays.

Breast needle biopsy: It may be necessary for some women to have a small sample of tissue taken from the breast. Local anaesthetic is always used to numb the area first.

When will I get the results?
In many cases, the doctor will be able to give you an indication of the expected results at this visit. Before you leave you will be given an appointment to attend for results in approximately one week.

How long will I be at the clinic?
Your appointment may take between 2 and 4 hours.

We appreciate that it may be worrying to be invited for a further appointment but please remember that the majority of women (4 out of every 5) that come back to this assessment clinic are found to have a normal result.

Manage your appointment

If you have been asked to book an appointment or would like to change it, we will be very happy to arrange this for you.

Manage your appointment

Where we screen

We screen at various convenient places across the region.

Where we screen


If you have a question please check our selection of FAQs.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)